tax increases

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Prime minister’s misleading capital gains video misses the point

Many Canadians who incur capital gains taxes, such as small business owners, may only do so once in their lifetimes.

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Case for tax hikes much weaker than you think

The federal government raised the top income tax rate from 29 per cent to 33 per cent.

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Toronto’s proposed sales tax is a cautionary tale for all Canadians

Irresponsible spending and borrowing leads to tax increases today or in the future.

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Most young Canadians don’t think high-income earners should pay more taxes

By raising top tax rates, the government discourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

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Young Americans support abstract and unworkable socialism

Only 32 per cent of Americans define socialism as government taking control of companies and industries.

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Ontario’s ‘temporary’ tax increases may never go away

For the province's top earners, each new dollar they earn is taxed at 53.53 per cent.

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Surprise surplus should spell end for Ontario's ‘temporary’ tax hikes

The province's top income tax bracket to 53.53 per cent, the third-highest rate in North America.