tax hike

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Ford and Trudeau share affection for spending and taxes

The Ontario government expects a net debt increase of more than $24 billion this year alone.

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Federal government should acknowledge impact of carbon tax hike

The carbon tax increase will add an additional three cents per litre of gasoline at the pumps.

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Toronto should reduce spending before raising taxes on homeowners

Salaries for municipal government staff in Toronto were an estimated 11.2 per cent higher than private-sector rates.

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Case for tax hikes much weaker than you think

The federal government raised the top income tax rate from 29 per cent to 33 per cent.

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Nova Scotia government should eliminate hidden tax hike in upcoming budget

Most governments across Canada have recognized that it’s unfair to collect additional tax revenue on salary adjustments.

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Here’s how Premier Ford can make hard work pay off in Ontario

The province's top combined personal income tax rate is 53.5 per cent, the third-highest rate among all provinces and U.S. states.

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Workers will bear burden of federal tax hike on businesses

The government permanently increased the tax rate for banks and life insurance companies to 16.5 per cent on profits over $100 million.

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Canadians should be wary about ‘fair share’ tax rhetoric

The NDP wants to raise the top federal personal income tax rate to 35 per cent.

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‘Fair share’ debate long on rhetoric, low on facts

The top 20 per cent pays nearly two-thirds of all federal and provincial income taxes.

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Kenney stands by Notley’s personal income tax hike

Kenney could have proposed pairing his 8 per cent corporate tax with an 8 per cent single-rate personal income tax.