alberta debt

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Controlling government-sector salaries key to Kenney’s deficit-reduction plans

This year, the Kenney government forecasts an $8.7 billion operating deficit.

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Government debt—the burden on Albertans continues to grow

Alberta’s portion of the federal debt totals approximately $135 billion.

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Complacency about Alberta’s debt is a dangerous mistake

Next year Alberta is expected to surpass B.C. in per-person debt.

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Painful decade for Alberta finances finally over

The province closed out the decade with an estimated $36.6 billion in net debt.

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Alberta’s reform budget in perspective

The budget includes a 1.6 per cent nominal spending reduction over four years.

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Alberta’s era of fiscal complacency is over

The Kenney government plans to reduce spending by 1.6 per cent over four years.

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Balance Alberta’s budget sooner—limit growth of debt interest costs

Alberta's per-person debt-service costs may hit $655 by 2020/21.

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Kenney shouldn’t dither—upcoming budget should be bullish on deficit, taxes

The most successful deficit-elimination efforts in recent Canadian history featured shorter timelines.