alberta debt

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Canada still relies on its wounded golden goose

Without Alberta’s net contributions, Canada would have racked up upwards of $100 billion more debt since 2014.

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Alberta’s debt-to-GDP ratio set to climb—quickly

Premier Kenney says province likely to run a deficit close to $20 billion.

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Alberta’s bleak economic outlook will hasten the decline of provincial finances

The province's annual debt-servicing costs will increase to a projected $3 billion by 2022/23.

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Alberta facing possible third recession in a little more than a decade

Once you adjust for inflation and population growth, Alberta’s economy barely grew at all between 2008 and 2018.

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Alberta careening towards fiscal disaster
The province has added an average of nearly $10 billion in debt annually since 2015/16.

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Kenney government squanders opportunity to strengthen path to balanced budget
Alberta's 2020 budget calls for $1.75 billion in additional government spending.

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Alberta’s finances still rapidly eroding

By 2022/23, the province will have accumulated an estimated $46.6 billion in net debt.

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Government debt-interest payments already hurting Albertans

This year, the province's debt will reach a projected $36.6 billion.

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At this rate, Alberta’s debt could look like Ontario’s in a decade

Alberta now spends roughly 20 per cent more per person on day-to-day government expenditures than neighbouring B.C.