ontario government spending

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Ontario government’s spending habits belie claims of fiscal restraint

The province's spending is forecasted to be $29.4 billion higher than previously projected for 2022/23.

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Ontario government spent more than $70 billion on corporate welfare

Roughly half of all business income tax revenue collected by the province was sent back to select firms and industries.

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Premier Ford—one of the biggest spenders in Ontario history

Under the Ford government, inflation-adjusted per-person spending has increased by 2.4 per cent annually.

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Giving large pay increases to government workers will harm Ontario’s finances

Government wages in the province were 10.9 per cent higher, on average, than wages in the private sector.

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Ontario’s fiscal challenges—is there political will to address them?

Despite years of criticizing its predecessors for reckless spending, the Ford government has followed a similar fiscal path.

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Ontario government should not give government workers large pay increases

Government workers in the province enjoy higher wages and benefits compared to similar private-sector workers.

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Ontario’s government debt actually increased last year by $6.8 billion

Ontario’s net debt increased from $373.6 billion in 2020/21 to $380.4 billion in 2021/22.

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Surprise surplus should spell end for Ontario's ‘temporary’ tax hikes

The province's top income tax bracket to 53.53 per cent, the third-highest rate in North America.