ontario government debt

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Ford government counting on revenue growth to outpace spending

The provincial net debt could hit $390 billion by 2023-24.

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Ontario's debt binge will continue

Over the next five years, net debt is expected to climb at an annual average rate of $9.6 billion per year.

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Ontario surpasses Quebec in 'debt' race to the bottom
Ontario’s debt-to-GDP ratio is forecasted to be 40.4 per cent.

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Government spending burying Ontarians in debt

Ontario’s “share” of the federal deficit this year will be approximately $7.1 billion.

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How to start cleaning up Ontario's finances—fast

The FAO projects a deficit of $12 billion due to higher spending and weak revenue growth.

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Ford should get serious about Ontario’s deficit

At the end of this year, Ontario will have run 10 operating deficits in 11 years.

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Between 2007/08 and 2018/19, Ontario’s debt has grown from $157 billion to $325 billion.