ontario government spending

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Ontario government’s rapid spending growth drives deficits and debt

The province’s $5.6 billion operating deficit is just the tip of the iceberg.

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Ontario government’s failure to restrain spending undermines ‘fiscal foundation’

According to the government’s new projections, the deficit will be $5.6 billion—quadruple what it projected earlier this year.

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Ford government chooses more spending over tax reductions and debt relief

The Ford government will spend an estimated $12,405 per person this year compared to the Wynne government's average of $11,784.

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Ontario government once again refuses to reduce taxes for workers and businesses

The budget plan lacks a comprehensive vision to enhance the province's competitiveness.

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Ontario government should learn from B.C.’s debt bomb

Ontario's government debt has reached nearly $400 billion.

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To restore Ontario’s finances, Ford government must end carefree spending

The province's government debt burden equals 38.7 per cent of the provincial economy.

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Ford rejects Harris spending approach and follows path of Wynne and Rae

Ontario is approaching an all-time high in inflation-adjusted per-person spending.