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City council recently voted unanimously to support a 20-year plan aimed at reducing poverty in Toronto—a laudable initiative if council avoids enacting policies that may do more harm than good.

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As one of his first policy proposals, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged to replace Canada’s first-past-the-post electoral system with a system that “[better] reflects and represents” Canadians and makes “every vote count.”

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In his book, the former Federal Reserve chairman confesses that the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department were powerless to prevent Lehman Brothers from failing.

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Business investment is no longer the driving force of capital formation in Ontario. In its place, investment by the public sector has nearly doubled.

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Canada's lack of competitiveness will put Canadian manufacturing in a poor position to take advantage of opportunities via the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement.

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The notion that women face wage discrimination of anything approaching the magnitude of 30-cents-on-the-dollar (tantamount to a 30 per cent wage gap) has been widely discredited.

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U.S. President Calvin Coolidge said in 1925 that “The chief business of the American people is business,” a line often mis-quoted as “The business of America is business.” No Canadian prime minister has ever dared be so pro-business.

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Ontario cities like Brampton and Milton rank better than most of their peers in terms of regulation—and share some of Canada’s largest jumps in population.

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The push for fair trade at Simon Fraser University has gone so far as to hound Tim Horton’s off campus for non-compliance.

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Award-winning book examines role entrepreneurs play in growing an economy, how high levels of economic freedom increase the quantity and quality of entrepreneurship, and the decline of economic freedom in the U.S.

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