federal government budget

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Federal government making up fiscal rules on the fly

The federal debt-to-GDP ratio increased from 30.8 per cent to 31.0 per cent.

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Canadians will pay for Trudeau government’s red ink

By 2024/25, federal debt is expected to hit $787.4 billion.

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Federal tax rate hikes may actually reduce revenues
Some taxpayers change their behaviour when tax rates increase.

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Both Trudeau and Harper increased size of federal government

In 2018, per person program spending (inflation adjusted) reached $8,869, the highest point in Canadian history.

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Alberta still keeps federal finances afloat

Albertans made a net contribution of more than $20 billion in 2017/18.

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Alberta’s problems hurt Ontario—here’s how

In 2017, Alberta’s net contribution to the federal government was $21.8 billion and Ontario’s was $16.6 billion.

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Trudeau government's 2019 budget full of puzzling contradictions

Overly politicized budgets, particularly budgets seemingly assembled haphazardly, risk producing poor policies.

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Budget 2019 underscores Trudeau government’s economic delusion

Between 2013 and 2017, foreign investment in Canada declined by 55.1 per cent.