economic freedom

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The Fraser Institute convened its fifth annual EFNA Network conference, “Communicating Economic Freedom to the Public, Press and Policymakers.”

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The tide of global freedom is receding—but there’s hope

Venezuela is now the poster country for economic disaster.

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China sets debt traps, threatens militarily

China has already blocked 15 million of its citizens from train and airline travel.

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This year, Florida captured the top spot from New Hampshire.

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Life expectancy is 79.5 years in the top quartile of countries compared to 64.4 years in the bottom quartile.

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As the world shifted to free markets, poverty rates plummeted

Life expectancy is 80 years in the freest countries compared to 64 in the least-free countries.

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Economic freedom means economic growth

Corporate and industry subsidy programs transfer wealth from the many to the few.